Leader Position

See our Volunteers page for additional information & upcoming training dates.

Volunteer Job Description – Leader

The Leader is responsible for the horse at all times. If you have any questions during your shift, please don’t hesitate to ask the instructor.

Before Class

  • Arrive 30 minutes before the class start time.
  • Check the whiteboard for your assigned horse.
  • Collect the horse’s grooming kit.
  • Speak to your horse as you approach its stall.
  • Halter the horse and fasten it securely.
  • Use a lead rope to guide the horse from the stall, holding it with two hands (right hand near the halter, excess rope in the left hand).
  • Be the first through the stall door and guide the horse through.
  • Attach the lead rope to the crossties, leaving the rope draped over the horse’s neck.


  • Pick the horse’s hooves.
  • Groom the horse using the curry glove, hard brush, and soft brush.
  • Tack the horse, ensuring the girth is snug but not too tight.
  • If there are reins, attach them to the halter.
  • Clean up if your horse uses the bathroom during grooming.
  • Be ready to enter the arena 10 minutes before the class starts.
  • Never leave your horse unattended in the crossties.

During Class

  • Announce “door” when entering the arena.
  • Line up, facing the ramp, and wait for the instructor to tighten the girth.
  • When called, lead the horse to the ramp, turning to face the horse and guide it up while walking backwards.
  • Ensure the horse stays still while the rider mounts—this is the most critical time for the horse to be calm.
  • Once the rider is mounted, walk the horse ahead and stop when clear of the ramp.
  • The instructor will adjust the stirrups.
  • Lead the horse to the far end of the arena and circle until all riders are mounted.
  • Assist the rider in following instructions while allowing them to do as much as possible on their own.
  • Walk between the horse’s head and shoulder at a steady pace to give the rider full benefit of the horse’s movement.
  • At the end of class, line up and wait for the instructor’s assistance with dismounting.

After Class

  • Check with the instructor about whether the horse will be returned to its stall or go outside.
  • Lead the horse back to the barn and secure it in the crossties.
  • Remove the saddle, pads, and reins.
  • Put the horse away and sweep up any mess.
  • Return the grooming kit and tack to their designated areas.

Thank you for your dedication to providing a safe and supportive environment for our riders!

Download the complete volunteer manual here: Volunteer Manual PDF

See our Volunteers page for additional information & upcoming training dates.